Selasa, 22 April 2014

Tugas Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2#

History of Semarang City

where's semarang located? Semarang is the capital city of Central Java Province, Indonesia. Semarang bordering the Java Sea in the north, Demak regency in the eastern district in the south of Semarang and Kendal regency in the west. The History of Semarang begins more or less in the 8th century AD, the coastal area called Pragota (now Bergota) and is part of the ancient Mataram kingdom. The area at that time was in front of the harbor and there are clusters of small islands. Due to the deposition, which until now still ongoing, the cluster is now fused to form the mainland. Lower part of Semarang city known today as such used to be a marine. Port is estimated to be in the Feather Market area now extends into the harbor and Simongan, where the fleet of Admiral Zheng He's leaning in the year 1405 AD In place of landing, Admiral Cheng Ho founded the temple and the mosque which is still visited and called Sam Po Kong temple (Gedung Batu). At the end of the 15th century AD there is someone stationed by the Kingdom of Demak, known as Prince Made Pandan (Sunan Pandanaran I), to spread the religion of Islam from the hills Pragota. From time to time that the more fertile, fertility from the sidelines that it appeared the tamarind tree charcoal (Javanese: Asem Charcoal), thus providing the title or the name of the area to Semarang.

History of Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia

The name of Surabaya appeared since the beginning of the growth of Majapahit kingdom. The name of Surabaya is taken from a fish named Sura and Buaya which means Crocodile.
The name of Surabaya appeared since the beginning of the growth of Majapahit kingdom. The name of Surabaya is taken from a fish named Sura and Buaya which means Crocodile. The symbol of Sura fish and crocodile is actually to describe the heroic events that occurred in the area of ??Ujung Galuh (name of the Surabaya area in the past), the battle between the armies led by Raden Widjaja versus the army of Tar Tar on May 31, 1293. That date is then set as the day of birth for city of Surabaya.
Initially Surabaya is the township or rural area on the riverside. The names of villages which still exist as Kaliasin, Kaliwaron, Kalidami, Ketabangkali, Kalikepiting, Darmokali, and so is evidence suggesting that the Surabaya region is a region with many streams / rivers. Kali means river in Indonesian. Geographically it is very plausible, because Surabaya is the area near the sea and large rivers flow such as Brantas.
Surabaya is located on the coast, a territory of its trajectory and forth humans from various regions. Surabaya, a meeting point between the people in Java island with people from outside. Surabaya in 1612 was a bustling trading port. The role of the port city of Surabaya as very important since a long time. Kalimas river is the river filled with boats that sail toward the corners of Surabaya.
Many Portuguese traders bought spices from native traders. Under the rule of Trunojoyo, Surabaya became a transit port and dump the goods from the fertile regions, namely the Brantas delta. Meanwhile, Kalimas be a "golden river" carrying valuables from suburban areas.
Surabaya City is also strongly associated with the revolution of independence of the Republic of Indonesia. Since the Dutch and Japanese occupation, the people of Surabaya were all-out battle to win independence. The climax on 10 November 1945, Arek Suroboyo occupied Orange Hotel (now we call it Hotel Majapahit) who was a symbol of colonialism. Because of his perseverance, then every November 10, Indonesia warned as Heroes' Day. Until now, traces of the colonial period are still quite visible with many historic old buildings here.

Surabaya is the capital of East Java Province, known as City of Heroes. Here are the details on Surabaya:
The location: 07 degrees 9 minutes - 07 degrees 21 minutes latitude (south latitude) and 112 degrees 36 minutes - 112 degrees 54 minutes East (East Longitude)
Altitude: 3-6 meters above sea level (lowland), except in the southern part of the hill there are two ramps in the area Tongue & Gayungan with a height of 25-50 meters above sea level
North: Strait of Madura
East: Madura Strait
South: Sidoarjo
West: Gresik
Area: 33306.30 Ha
District Number: 31
Number of Villages / Kelurahan: 160
Air humidity: minimum average 42% and maximum 96%
Air pressure: the average minimum and maximum 1014.41 1005.38 Mbs Mbs
Temperature: the average minimum 23.3 ° C and maximum 35.2 ° C
Wind speed: average 7.0 knots and a maximum of 26.3 Knots
Topography: 80% lowland, height 3-6 m, slope <3%
20% of low hills with a wave height of <30 m and a slope of 5-15%

The History of Solo

Surakarta is also widely known by the name “Solo”. “Surakarta” is used in formal and official contexts. The city has a similar name with the neighboring district of “Kartasura”, where the previous capital of Mataram was located. The variant spelling Soerakarta reflects the in use before the 1948 spelling reform.
Kraton Kasunanan Solo
Looking at the history, it seems clear that the development and dynamics of Surakarta (Solo) in the first period but was strongly influenced by the Central Government and the Cultural Palace (Kasunanan and Mangkunegaran), also by Dutch colonialism (Verstenberg Castle). While economic growth and spread through the market Gedhe (Hardjonagoro).
Vasternburg Castle
History Goverment
On June 16, the anniversary of the City Government of Surakarta. The de facto date of June 16, 1946 Local Government established the right Surakarta control and manage his own household, as well as remove the power and Mangkunegaran Kasunanan Kingdom.
Surakarta Legally established by Government decision No. 1946 of 16/SD, who announced on July 15. With a variety of considerations historical factors before, on June 16, 1946 be set as the day the City Government of Surakarta.
Market Gedhe ( Hardjonagoro)
Surakarta is also known as the city of Solo, is a lowland basin located in the mountain slopes of Merapi Lawu and mountains with an altitude of about 92 m above sea level. With approximately 44 km2 area, located between the city of Surakarta 110 45 `15″ – 110 45 `35″ east longitude and 70 `36″ – 70 `56″ south latitude. Surakarta split and fed by 3 (three) pieces of the River Bengawan Solo river, Jenes and Kali Kali Pepe. Solo River in ancient times was famous for its panoramic beauty and traffic (trading).
Surakarta City boundary to the north is County and District Karanganyar Boyolali. Eastern boundary is County and District Sukoharjo Karangnyar, west boundary is County and District Sukoharjo Karangnyar, being the south boundary is Sukoharjo district. Surakarta is divided into five regions of Sub.
The temperature Masimum Surakarta is 32.5 degrees Celsius, while minimum temperature was 21.9 degrees Celsius. The average air pressure is 1010.9 SBM with 75% humidity. 4 Knots wind speed with wind direction 240 degrees. Solo tropical climate, was rainy and dry seasons alternate throughout 6 months of each year.

History In Bandung

The Dutch at that time that the Java and Indonesia in general, under the leadership of Governor-General Herman Willem Daendles (1808-1811), a road plan split the island of Java, Anyer on the western edge and in Ujung Panarukan East. This road, known as the Post Road (Groote Postweg), extends along approximately 1000 kilometers. Making way is meant to ease relations between the regions that are adjacent and the road. Top command Daedles this is, since 25th May 1810, the capital of Bandung Regency is located in the original Karapyak the movement, near Post Road. The Dutch at that time that the Java and Indonesia in general, under the leadership of Governor-General Herman Willem Daendles (1808-1811), a road plan split the island of Java, Anyer on the western edge and in Ujung Panarukan East. This road, known as the Post Road (Groote Postweg), extends along approximately 1000 kilometers. Making way is meant to ease relations between the regions that are adjacent and the road. Top command Daedles this is, since 25th May 1810, the capital of Bandung Regency is located in the original Karapyak the movement, near Post Road. Regent Wiranata Kusumah II, with the approval elders and figures under the government, the capital city of Bandung Regency Bandung karapyak to now. Area is chosen as the new capital city, is located between two rivers rivers, namely Cikapundung Cibadak and the area around the alun-alun Bandung is now close to Jalan Raya Pos. area the land is sloping to the northeast so that appropriate health and with the requirements of the trust at that time. The rivers that mengapitnya can also function as a tool of the city. Gradually, immediately building the new capital of the district. Moving people is done in stages, in compliance with the procurement of housing and other facilities are available.
According to history books Regency Bandung, in the year 1846, the population of the city of Bandung is around 11,054 new people, consists of 11,000 indigenous people of the nation, the nation's 9 European, 15 Chinese people, and 30 Arab nations, and other Eastern nations. At that time the city of Bandung is still a residential district of the city deserted quiet, with the natural form of hills and mountains.
In the year 1852, the region priangan open to anyone who wanted to settle there. With the announcement made by the Resident Priangan, Steinmetz, then start filtering the pemukin new. With a very natural situation mebarik, Bandung as a living place of many of the immigrants invited to stay and settle ditanah Parahiangan it.
To manage the development of the city due to increase in the number of people, then prepared a basic guideline for the development of the city of Bandung with the "Bandung City Plan" (Plan der Negorij Bandoeng). With the existence of this plan, then immediately restrained and more effective. In the year 1850, start and built the Great Mosque Pendopo District-currently located in the center of the city of Bandung. There is open space, plaza, which is dealing with the pendopo function as the central government, and dibangunnya buildings that function sebagaifasilitas service and support activities of the city government, such as post offices, prisons, banks and market-type reflects the city center with traditional little influence of the West.
That is the history at a glance, the city of Bandung, which is in Bandung had prepared the way as the capital of the Dutch East Indies, with plans to move the capital city of Batavia to Bandung. Bandung So be prepared for such moves, the one with the building of government buildings and the settlement plan with a good layout.

Medan City's History

In ancient times the city of Medan is known as the Land Deli and swampy state of the land area of ​​approximately 4000 ha. Some of the rivers crossing the city of Medan and it all comes down to the Straits of Malacca. The rivers are Sei Deli, Babura Sei, Sei Sikambing, Sei Denai, White Sei, Sei Badra, Belawan and Sei Sei Sulang Mutual / Sei Apes.
At first the settlement Medan opened Guru Patimpus location is located in the Land Deli, since the colonial days people always couple with Deli Medan (Medan, Deli). After the time of independence over time the term Medan Deli gradually disappear so that the end is less popular.

Formerly named the Land of the start of the Snake River Deli (Deli Serdang) down to the River Wampu in Langkat whereas Deli Sultanate ruling at that time did not cover the territory between the two rivers.
Overall soil types in the Deli area consists of clay, sand, soil mix, black soil, brown soil and red soil. This is the study of Van Hissink in 1900, followed by research Vriens 1910 that in addition to the type of soil as there was again found that specific types of clay. This clay at the Dutch colonial place called Burnt Offering Stone (now the East Field or Menteng) the burning of high quality brick and one brick factory at the time it is Deli Klei.
About rainfall in the Land Deli classified two types namely: Maksima Main and Additional Maksima. Main maxima occur in the months of October s / d in December was the month of January Maksima Additional s / d September. In detail, the rainfall in Medan on average 2000 per year with an average intensity of 4.4 mm / h.
According to Volker Medan in 1860 is still a jungle here and there, especially dimuara-mouth of the river settlements interspersed with people from Karo and the Malaya peninsula. In 1863 the Dutch began to open a tobacco plantation in Deli Land Deli was the star. Since then the economy continues to grow so that the field into the City center of government and the economy in North Sumatra.